
I love to decorate.... whether it be one style at a time or all at once...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

HELP!!! what a mess..!

Hi girls, sorry for not posting or visiting lately but this is why...

If you would like to recreate this look simply place an industrial fan at your front door, make sure it';s open ofcourse and sprinkle 40 kgs of flour infront of it!! wha la!

Jokes aside, I cannot tell you what I have been through these last couple of weeks. We have been gyprocking. Hubby and I took on the job, with the help of relo's too, and what a big mistake! A job that would have only taken the pros' 4 days took us 3 wks and the mess is unbelievable. Hubby was SUPPOSED to block off the rest of the house but somehow it didn;t happen and now I have dust everywhere. Carol, if you are reading this, no I am not coping with the dust at all! It has been a totally depressing experience and have a heart attack everytime someone comes over,  but on the upside its nearly done, just a few going overs in the lounge room.

Yesterday I started undercoating and is starting to look a bit better.  I am thinking of colours now, as I have decided to get rid of the yellow (as much as I love it) and probably will end up painting it and the rest of the entire house 'Barrister white" by dulux, which is a bit darker than my white furniture.. Still can't decide whether to give James' room a blue feature wall...will have to decide soon though.

Unfortunately my sewing has come go a grinding halt, no way can I sew in this mess!

 Ok better go .. keep well and hopefully next post will have some nicer pics!!!! Have a great day, Maryann


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Oh boy! I know exactly what you are going through! My advice is once it is all done, before you paint, hire a professional cleaning company to come in and clean EVERYTHING!

S said...

Oh Maryann, keep calm and you will be ok...just remember what its going to be like once its all done. Im sure it will be worth it in the end.
I will have to look up that colour, I havent picked the colour im going to paint my walls yet.
Siobhan xo

The Pink Poodle said...

OH DEAR...does look a bit messy...I would be having MORE heart palpatations than USUAL!!

BUT the upside is it is finished...YOU & hubby have done it..
NOW all the FUN starts re painting/decor..etc etc..

Just another little thing you can add to your resume!!!!

xx andrea

Antique Rose Designs said...

I had to laugh because I know exactly how you feel but it will be worth it in the end. I cried for about a week when the plastering was happening but then got used eating and wearing It's looking great and will be over soon. Good luck. Carol

Natasha Burns said...

oh gosh!!! I'm sure in the end, it will all be worth it. Until then, if you don't try to move the dust, you don't notice it so much....think of it as "character giving", lol!

Gail McCormack said...

Hi Maryann

Goodness, been there done that, not wanting to do it again, I'm way too old!
But I must say once finished it is very rewarding, hang in there girl!
Don't forget to keep us updated

our shabby cottage said...

The last photo made me laugh! I too feel like I need "help". We have taken on more than (I feel) we needed too. I hate painting.......
I can't believe you did the gyprocking yourself - very brave indeed! Hang in there, Kathryn.

Lucinda Obrien said...

Boy oh boy...I'm having flashbacks.Only a few months ago we too did our own gyprocking and we have decided NEVER AGAIN!!!
I am really giving you lot's of sympathy because living with that dust is a nightmare and seems to float for weeks.
Upside...we now enjoy living in a new extension and the dust is forgotten.Well ....almost! said...

We hear you love, don't stress. We have all been through renovation hell. It will all be worth it in the end I promise! Thanks for all your well wishes last week.

My Pink & Cream Cottage said...

How well I know what you are going through (although hopefully you have finished it all by now) We have an old fireplace in our kitchen which I loved when we first bought the house but have decided it has to go just takes up too much room. Not looking forward to that job I can tell you. Looked up your white, love it.
Hope you are having a stress free weekend...

Lyn xxx

Fröken Tindra said...

Just want to say that I love your cute home!! Souldn´t stop watching all the pictures. And you, sure are, the best friend with your sewingmachine. Love the beautiful things you make!!
Best wishes from Sweden!

shabby*vintage*dreams said...

MY O MY!!! EEKKSS!! I did chuckle when I saw your help in the dust! you poor things!! Hoping it's done soon ans you can show us all how DEVINE it looks!!


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