
I love to decorate.... whether it be one style at a time or all at once...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

another wardrobe for Lisa..

I  have been a little preoccupied lately working on a new wardrobe for Lisa. The one she had was way too small so I managed to pick one up on ebay (that wasn't too far for Fred to fetch for me) not long ago. It's still not finished but here is a peek...

since painting it the doors have sagged a little and now won't shut properly! So I have to wait for Fred to take them off and shave a bit off the bottoms.. 

fabric paneled inside doors .. 

and no these are not cookies.. they're furniture appliques I had been waiting on from the U.S They were 50% off so I went a little overboard and bought enough to embellish a lot of my furniture!!

Here is the before..
and what about Christmas you might say.. well I still have to do my shopping ..yeah I'm a leave it 'till the last minute kinda gal.. and decorations are kept to the minimum this year.. I did put the tree up though which is something. 

and I couldn't resist showing you my Flamingo rose... so if I don't post again  before Christmas I will leave you now with the warmest wishes for the holiday season and please stay safe!
take care, Maryann

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