
Saturday, April 3, 2010

An Easter wish to you all...

No pics today ladies... just warm wishes to you all for Easter Sunday. Hope you have a lovely day no matter where you are or what you're doing. For us it's the usual visiting family which is good as we don't get to see each other as much as I'd like to.  Hope you all have a great and safe holiday.. take care, Maryann   ps. won't be blogging for a little while as we have maxed out our GB usage this month!! First time ever! Just to post this was painstakingly slow.. back to dial up speed for a few days.


  1. DEAR maryann...

    thanks for the wishes!

    hey..a few years ago when i had some other internet provider...
    MR CHRISTIAN did this to me..
    he had downloaded sooooo much "stuff" & I MEAN "STUFF"!!!

    I couldnt do ebay..couldnt do much at all really!!!....

    HE MAXED me OUT doing HIS thing..

    I gave him MY own VERSION of MAXING OUT!!!...


    plus we have a NEW & much BETTER internet provider!! (thats beside the point though)...

    HOPE your back in THE REAL WORLD soon..!!

    xxx andrea

  2. Sending best wishes for a Great Easter! Enjoy the time with your family, we are off to the Sydney Royal Easter Show! Oh joy!

  3. Hope you had a great Easter and I hear you about the internet. It's great to have a break off the computer anyway gives you time to catch up with things around the house. Take care Carol

  4. Happy belated EASTER to you too Maryann!

    Gail xo

  5. Hi Maryann
    "Happy Easter" to you as well!...
    Hope you had an enjoyable time with your family...its great to catch up with loved ones!
    Bummer about the internet but will see you when you are back to full speed!
    Have a great week

  6. Hope you had a fantastic Easter weekend!

  7. Catching up with everyone after my trip to France. You home is looking great! Hope you got it painting like you wanted to...


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