I really love the look on the back of the chairs with it's curvy lines up top and timber applique. I actually wrecked one with the blow gun as a small piece came flying off (oh, well..) as this is what I used to get all the dust off first, then a wipe down. They were filthy. I also love the cut out on the back. Ofcourse, it's not perfect as some of the beading has come off, if I can find some to replace it I will, but it really doesn't worry me.
I think what won me over though were the legs on the table! Love the shape and the ornate piece inbetween. It may take me a while to do as when I purchased it, it said nothing about the springs on the seat pads being wonky so I got rid of them. Hubby will cut out timber inserts to which I'll add foam and cover them with calico. Then make pretty removable fabric covers... a must in my household!
I think this will make such a difference to my dining room, I can't wait till they're done, even though it may take me a few weeks as I have some more orders to work on too. So stay tuned.... take care, Maryann